
Biometric Technology – Enhancing User Experience in the Digital Age

Biometric technology has been widely used today to secure identity authentication in digital platforms. But the benefits of biometrics do not just end there. Aside from strengthening access control, biometrics also enhances the user experience (UX) in online service platforms. Here are the ways biometric technology improves passwordless authentication UX.

Quick and Easy Onboarding

Before, customers must complete account openings (e.g., bank account) in a physical setup to verify their identities personally. Now, the digital onboarding process and biometric authentication allow remote account registration without compromising privacy and security. It eliminates the long and meticulous process in traditional onboarding and replaces them with a few easy steps that capture the required data for a thorough identity check. 

Eliminates the Need for Passwords

Usernames and passwords are not only insecure, but they are also a big hassle to keep safe and recall. Fingerprint, voice, and face recognition remove the need for passwords with their more secure authentication. Particularly, FIDO2 passwordless authentication has simple integration across all channels, securing all access points without technical issues.

Reduces Fraud and Other Cyber Risks

There’s nothing that speaks of poor customer service other than not being able to protect the customers from fraud and other cyberattacks. But with an authentication method that measures the unique physical or behavioral characteristics of an individual, service providers protect their users against fraud, phishing, credential stuffing, brute force, man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks, and other threats.

LoginID – Frictionless Authentication Solution

LoginID’s passwordless authentication solution follows the FIDO2 protocols that enable biometric authentication without the risks of database breaches and system downtimes. With it, service providers secure data and deliver consistent user experiences across different channels. 

Experience higher conversion and brand loyalty by integrating LoginID solutions in your digital platforms. Visit the website today to learn more about the product’s benefits or get a firsthand look at the LoginID interface.

Biometric Technology: a brief history


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