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New age hacking to reclaim one’s sanctity

Hacking on a positive note

Hacking rings a bell in most of the people’s head as something illegal done in order to gain access to private information or databases which are prohibited to the persons unconcerned. When violating these protocols can cause Mayhem and is considered a punishable offense with serious consequences to face. Though the technicalities of hacking are still under debate. one with enough knowledge about the subject says that it is a science of programming when put to good use has numerous cyber beneficiaries. Hence the game of hacking can be viewed under different lights both positive and negative.

Hacking in relation to social media

When the process of hacking done to benefit people it is called ethical hacking. And such services can be employed in digitalized social platforms where the scope of loosing one’s private information to the hands of data thieves has called in for the need for ethical hackers. As we know it Instagram has become of the most used social media platforms theses days almost all the people having a personal account on it with details so privy which can used against if gone into the wrong hands. Unfortunately when a person’s account and its credentials have been leaked unknowingly or in case of stolen phones, the hackers crack the password or the private details through the photos posted in the person’s account. To combat such situations the ethical hackers come into play. It is very important for them to know how to website and change the passwords if necessary and delete the private details entirely. This course of action will save a lot stress and embarrassment from being harassed by the cyber abusers. There are service providers in the form of established private portals where ethical hackers are employed for the sole reason of saving the people the trouble of having their accounts hacked and not knowing what to do. With the portal making promises such as hacking the account in 1 min and can be contacted over phones to do the same. With more and more number of people falling prey for the cyber social abuses these people form a paid partnership to bring a person out of trouble and safeguard his/her account. Moreover these services are easy to access and keeps the victims informatin private thus providing a hassel-free experience..

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